Игровая квест система (Quest System)
В Mu Online существует система последовательных квестов, на нашем сервере с ее помощью можно неплохо прокачать своего персонажа, заработать много денег, кредитов, ресурсов и снаряжения.
Для того, чтобы начать выполнение квеста, необходимо поговорить с NPC Quest System, который находится в городе Lorencia. Уровень персонажа, его статы и ресеты неважны. Любой желающий может попробовать свои силы и выполнить несколько десятков квестов.
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После того, как вы убьете всех необходимых монстров для квеста, возвращаетесь к NPC Quest System и поговорите с ним. Если все условия квеста выполнены, он даст вам заветную награду.
Хотите выполненить следующий квест? Снова поговорите с NPC Quest System и смело ступайте в мир приключений Mu.
Quest / Prizes
1. "Kill 20 Spider" / 1kk Zen
2. "Kill 20 Budge Dragon" / 2kk Zen
3. "Kill 20 Bull Fighter" / 20 stats
4. "Kill 20 Lich" / 3kk Zen
5. "Kill 20 Skeleton" / Jewel of Bless
6. "Kill 20 Hound" / Jewel of Soul
7. "Kill 20 Elite Bull Fighter" / Jewel of Chaos
8. "Kill 20 Giant" / 20 Stats, 3kk Zen
9. "Kill 20 Goblin" / 3kk Zen
10. "Kill 20 Chain Scorpion" / Jewel of Bless
11. "Kill 20 Elite Goblin" / Jewel of Soul
12. "Kill 20 Beetle Monster" / Jewel of Life
13. "Kill 20 Hunter" / Jewel of Chaos
14. "Kill 20 Forest Monster" / 5kk Zen, 15 WC
15. "Kill 20 Agon" / 25 Stats
16. "Kill 40 Agon" / 15 WC
17. "Kill 25 Strange Rabbit" / 2 Jewel of Bless
18. "Kill 25 Polluted Butterfly" / 2 Jewel of Soul
19. "Kill 25 Hideous Rabbit" / 2 Jewel of Life
20. "Kill 35 Worm" / 5kk Zen, 20 WC
21. "Kill 35 Hommerd" / 2 Jewel of Bless
22. "Kill 35 Ice Monster" / 2 Jewel of Soul
23. "Kill 35 Yeti" / 2 Jewel of Life
24. "Kill 35 Assassin" / 2 Jewel of Creation
25. "Kill 35 Elite Yeti" / 40 Stats, 3kk Zen
26. "Kill 35 Ice Queen" / 5kk Zen, 20 WC
27. "Kill 50 Poison Bull Fighter" / Devil Square Ticket
28. "Kill 50 Larva" / 2 Jewel of Soul
29. "Kill 50 Chief Skeleton Warrior" / 2 Jewel of Creation
30. "Kill 50 Skeleton Archer" / 2 Jewel of Chaos
31. "Kill 50 Cyclops" / 25 WC, 3kk Zen
32. "Kill 50 Hell Hound"" / 7kk Zen, 30 WC
33. "Kill 50 Hell Spider" / 30 Stats
34. "Kill 50 Thunder Lich" / Blood Castle Ticket
35. "Kill 50 Dark Knight" / Jewel of Soul
36. "Kill 50 Gorgon" / 50 Stats, 3kk Zen
37. "Kill 75 Aegis" / 25 Stats
38. "Kill 75 Rogue Centurion" / 25 Stats
39. "Kill 75 Blood Soldier" / 25 Stats
40. "Kill 75 Death Angel" / 25 Stats
41. "Kill 75 Necron" / 25 Stats
42. "Kill 75 Death Centurion" / 25 Stats
43. "Kill 75 Schriker" / 50 Stats
44. "Kill 60 Bahamut" / Box of Kundun +1
45. "Kill 60 Vepar" / Box of Kundun +1
46. "Kill 60 Valkyrie" / Box of Kundun +1
47. "Kill 60 Great Bahamut" / 2 Box of Kundun +1
48. "Kill 60 Silver Valkyrie" / 2 Box of Kundun +1
Lost Tower
49. "Kill 190 Death Gorgon" / 2 Jewel of Bless
50. "Kill 250 Death Knight" / 2 Jewel of Soul
51. "Kill 200 Shadow" / 2 Jewel of Chaos
52. "Kill 190 Poison Shadow" / 40 Stats, 5kk Zen
53. "Kill 520 Cursed Wizard" / 2 Jewel of Life
54. "Kill 220 Death Cow" / Jewel of Creatiom
55. "Kill 210 Devil" / 30 WC, 5kk Zen
56. "Kill 240 Balrog" / 60 Stats
57. "Kill 100 Aegis" / 50 Stats
58. "Kill 100 Rogue Centurion" / 50 Stats
59. "Kill 100 Blood Soldier" / 50 Stats
60. "Kill 100 Death Angel" / 50 Stats
61. "Kill 100 Necron" / 50 Stats
62. "Kill 100 Death Centurion" / 50 Stats
63. "Kill 200 Schriker" / 100 Stats
64. "Kill 200 Mutant" / 3 Jewel of Bless
65. "Kill 200 Bloody wolf" / 3 Jewel of Soul
66. "Kill 200 Beam Knight" / 8kk zen, 30 WC
67. "Kill 200 Tantalos" / 2 Jewel of Creatiom
68. "Kill 200 Iron Wheel" / 3 Jewel of Life
69. "Kill 175 Aegis" / Box of Kundun +2
70. "Kill 175 Rogue Centurion" / Box of Kundun +2
71. "Kill 175 Blood Soldier" / Box of Kundun +2
72. "Kill 175 Death Angel" / Box of Kundun +2
73. "Kill 175 Necron" / Kalima Ticket
74. "Kill 175 Death Centurion" / 9kk zen, 30 WC
75. "Kill 225 Schriker" / 200 Stats
76. "Kill 250 Death Tree" / 4 Jewel of Bless
77. "Kill 250 Forest Orc" / 4 Jewel of Soul
78. "Kill 250 Death Rider" / 4 Jewel of Life
79. "Kill 250 Death Tree" / 9kk zen, 35 WC
80. "Kill 250 Witch Queen" / 9kk zen, 35 WC
81. "Kill 250 Alquamos" / Loch Feather
82. "Kill 250 Mega Crust" / Monarch Crest
83. "Kill 250 Queen Rainier" / 75 Stats
84. "Kill 250 Drakan" / 10kk zen, 30 WC
85. "Kill 250 Alpha Crust" / 5 Jewel of Bless
86. "Kill 250 Phantom Knight" / 5 Jewel of Soul
87. "Kill 250 Great Drakan" / 5 Jewel of Life
88. "Kill 275 Aegis" / Box of Kundun +3
89. "Kill 275 Rogue Centurion" / Box of Kundun +3
90. "Kill 275 Blood Soldier" / Box of Kundun +3
91. "Kill 275 Death Angel" / Box of Kundun +3
92. "Kill 275 Necron" / Box of Kundun +3
93. "Kill 275 Death Centurion" / 2 Box of Kundun +3
94. "Kill 350 Schriker" / 500 Stats
88. "Kill 400 Splinter Wolf" / 5 Jewel of Life
89. "Kill 400 Iron Rider" / 5 Jewel of Chaos
90. "Kill 400 Satyros" / 10kk zen, 35 WC
91. "Kill 400 Blade Hunter" / 150 Stats
92. "Kill 400 Kentauros" / 5 Jewel of Creation
93. "Kill 400 Berserker" / 45 WC
94. "Kill 400 Genocider Warrior" / Silver coin
95. "Kill 400 Genocider" / Silver coin
96. "Kill 500 Aegis" / Box of Kundun +4
97. "Kill 500 Rogue Centurion" / Box of Kundun +4
98. "Kill 500 Blood Soldier" / Box of Kundun +4
99. "Kill 500 Death Angel" / Box of Kundun +4
100. "Kill 500 Necron" / Box of Kundun +4
101. "Kill 500 Death Centurion" / Box of Kundun +4
102. "Kill 1000 Schriker" / 1000 Stats
103. "Kill 550 Berserker Warrior" / Jewel of Bless Bundle
104. "Kill 550 Kentauros Warrior" / Jewel of Soul Bundle
105. "Kill 550 Gigantis Warrior" / Jewel of Chaos Bundle
106. "Kill 550 Genocider Warrior" / Jewel of Life Bundle
107. "Kill 550 Twin Tale" / Gem Stone Bundle
108. "Kill 550 Persona" / Gem Stone Bundle
109. "Kill 550 Dreadfear" / Jewel of Harmony Bundle
110. "Kill 700 Venomous Chain Scorpion" / Silver coin
111. "Kill 700 Bone Scorpion" / Silver coin
112. "Kill 700 Orcus" / Silver coin
113. "Kill 700 Crypta" / Silver coin
114. "Kill 700 Crypos" / Silver coin
115. "Kill 700 Condra" / 105 WC
116. "Kill 700 Narcondra" / 105 WC
117. "Kill 800 Zombie Fighter" / 200 Stats
118. "Kill 800 Zombie Fighter (Hero)" / 250 Stats
119. "Kill 800 Resurrected Gladiator" / 200 Stats
120. "Kill 800 Resurrected Gladiator (Hero)" / 250 Stats
121. "Kill 800 Ash Slaughterer" / 200 Stats
122. "Kill 800 Ash Slaughterer (Hero)" / 250 Stats
123. "Kill 800 Blood Assassin" / 200 Stats
124. "Kill 800 Cruel Blood Assassin" / 200 Stats
125. "Kill 800 Cruel Blood Assassin (Hero)" / 250 Stats
126. "Kill 800 Burning Lava Giant" / 250 Stats
127. "Kill 900 Bloody Orc" / 90 WC
128. "Kill 900 Bloody Death Rider" / 90 WC
129. "Kill 900 Bloody Golem" / 90 WC
130. "Kill 900 Bloody Witch Queen" / 90 WC
131. "Kill 900 Hammer Scout" / Pet Panda
132. "Kill 900 Lance Scout" / Ring Panda
133. "Kill 900 Bow Scout" / Box of Kundun +5
134. "Kill 900 Werewolf" / 2 Silver Coin
135. "Kill 900 Scout(Hero)" / 2 Pet Panda
136. "Kill 900 Werewolf(Hero)" / 2 Ring Panda
137. "Kill 900 Balram" / 100 WC
138. "Kill 900 Soram" / 100 WC
139. "Kill 1500 Aegis" / 2nd Lucky Armor Ticket
140. "Kill 1500 Rogue Centurion" / 2nd Lucky Pants Ticket
141. "Kill 1500 Blood Soldier" / 2nd Lucky Helm Ticket
142. "Kill 1500 Death Angel" / 2nd Lucky Gloves Ticket
143. "Kill 1500 Necron" / 2nd Lucky Boots Ticket
144. "Kill 1500 Death Centurion" / Jewel of Creation Bundle
145. "Kill 2500 Schriker" / 2000 Stats
146. "Kill 1000 Ice Walker" / 3 Silver Coin
147. "Kill 1000 Ice Giant" / 3 Silver Coin
148. "Kill 1000 Giant Mammoth" / 250 Stats
149. "Kill 1000 Coolutin" / 250 Stats
150. "Kill 1000 Iron Knight" / 250 Stats
151. "Kill 1000 Dark Mammoth" / Jewel of Bless Bundle+1
152. "Kill 1000 Dark Giant" / Jewel of Soul Bundle+1
153. "Kill 1000 Dark Coolutin" / Jewel of Chaos Bundle+1
154. "Kill 1000 Dark Iron Knight" / Jewel of Life Bundle+1
155. "Kill 1250 Sapi-Tres" / Pet Panda
156. "Kill 1250 Ghost Napin" / Ring Panda
157. "Kill 1250 Blaze Napin" / 130 WC
158. "Kill 1250 Shadow Knight" / Box of Kundun +5
159. "Kill 1250 Shadow Look" / 250 Stats
160. "Kill 1250 Shadow Pawn" / 3 Silver Coin
161. "Kill 1250 Sapi-Unus" / Gem Stone Bundle
162. "Kill 1250 Thunder Napin" / Jewel of Life Bundle+1
163. "Kill 1250 Sapi-Duo" / Jewel of Creatin Bundle
164. "Kill 1500 Ferea Knight" / Devil Square Ticket
165. "Kill 1500 Ferea Archer" / Blood Castle Ticket
166. "Kill 1500 Ferea Fighter" / Kalima Ticket
167. "Kill 2000 Aegis" / x2 Box of Kundun +5
168. "Kill 2000 Rogue Centurion" / 2nd Lucky Pants Ticket
169. "Kill 2000 Blood Soldier" / Jewel of Soul Bundle+1
170. "Kill 2000 Death Angel" / Jewel of Bless Bundle+1
171. "Kill 2000 Necron" / Jewel of Chaos Bundle+1
172. "Kill 2000 Death Centurion" / 150 WC
173. "Kill 5000 Schriker" / 2500 Stats
Nixies Lake
174. "Kill 1750 Paraka" / 300 Stats
175. "Kill 1750 Vasuki" / 400 Stats
176. "Kill 1750 Bass" / 4 Silver Coin
177. "Kill 2000 Swarmface" / Ring Skeleton
178. "Kill 2000 Wooden Bist" / Pet Skeleton
179. "Kill 2000 Swamp Wizard" / Jewel of Bless Bundle+1
180. "Kill 2000 Mutton Tile" / Jewel of Soul Bundle+1
Deep Dungeon
181. "Kill 2500 Deep Larva" / Jewel of Level
182. "Kill 2500 Deep Cyclops" / Jewel of Luck
183. "Kill 2500 Deep Ghost" / Jewel of Life Bundle+1
184. "Kill 2500 Deep Hell Hound" / Jewel of Harmony Bundle+1
185. "Kill 2500 Deep Hell Spider" / Jewel of Socket
186. "Kill 2500 Deep Thunder Lich" / Jewel of Creation Bundle+1
187. "Kill 2500 Deep Poison Bull Fighter" / Golden Coin
188. "Kill 2500 Deep Dark Knight" / 450 Stats
189. "Kill 2500 Deep Gorgon" / 150 WC
Golden Invasion
190. "Kill 2 Golden Budge Dragon" / 2 Platinum Coin
191. "Kill 2 Golden Goblin" / 2 Platinum Coin
192. "Kill 1 Golden Titan" / 2 Panda Ring
193. "Kill 2 Golden Rabbit" / Jewel of Creation Bundle+2
194. "Kill 2 Golden Dark Knight" / 150 WC
195. "Kill 2 Golden Devil" / 500 Stats
196. "Kill 2 Golden Lizard King" / Jewel of Skill
197. "Kill 2 Golden Wheel / 2 Jewel of Socket
198. "Kill 2 Golden Tantalos" / 950 Stats
199. "Kill 2 Golden Stone Golem" / Jewel of Ancient
200. "Kill 2 Golden Crust" / Jewel of Exellent
201. "Kill 2 Golden Satyros" / 2 Jewel of Option
202. "Kill 1 Golden Twin Tail" / 4 Platinum Coin
203. "Kill 2 Golden Iron Knight" / 1000 Stats
204. "Kill 1 Golden Napin" / 900 Stats
205. "Kill 2 Great Golden Dragon" / 1500 Stats
Blood Castle 8
206. "Kill 1000 Red Skeleton Knight" / 1500 Stats
Devil Square 7
207. "Kill 1000 Persona" / 1500 Stats
208. "Kill 1 Dragon Boss" / Crystal of Luck
209. "Kill 1 Anubis Boss" / 2 Crystal of Option
Lost Tower
210. "Kill 1 Fire Boss" / 2 Crystal of Exellent
211. "Kill 1 Magick Box Boss" / 2 Crystal of Ancient
212. "Kill 1 Diablo" / Crystal of Socket
213. "Kill 1 Daemon Boss" / Crystal of Socket
214. "Kill 1 Gorun Boss" / 2 Crystal of Level
215. "Kill 1 Big Spider" / 2 Crystal of Luck
216. "Kill 1 Golden Erohim" / 500 WC
217. "Kill 1 Golden Kundun" / 500 WC
218. "Kill 1 Golden Hell Maine" / 500 WC
Kalima 7
219. "Kill 1 Kundun" / Jewel of Guardian Bundle+2
220. "Kill 30 Pouch of Blessing" / 4 Platinum Coin
221. "Kill 30 Lunar Rabbit" / 4 Platinum Coin
222. "Kill 30 Fire Flame Ghost" / 4 Platinum Coin
Lorencia, Noria, Devias
223. "Kill 2 White Wizard" / 1500 Stats
Lorencia, Noria, Devias
224. "Kill 2 Red Dragon" / 1500 Stats
Nixies Lake
225. "Kill 3 Nix" / 1500 Stats